Most Common Injuries in a Rollover Car Accident

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I was in an auto accident and wasnโ€™t sure the process of how to handle it and get the care that I needed. As soon as I found Ryan, him and his team were able to walk me through the process, answered all of my questions and were super attentive throughout. They really care for the well-being of their clients. I would highly recommend LA Century Law!
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My case manager karla, attorney Ryan and their whole team were very very helpful with my case, it was a smooth process and very knowledgeable I highly recommend this Law Firm, from the beginning to the end and still then checked on thank you great experience.

Rollover accidents present significant dangers to the drivers and passengers involved. 35% of vehicle collision fatalities occur as a result of rollover accidents alone, which is a demonstration of just how much damage they can cause to drivers and passengers.

For California residents who are injured by a rollover collision, the health and financial costs can be severe, and it’s important to understand how to take the best next steps after the accident occurs. Contact our car accident attorneys in Tarzana at LA Century Law if you or a loved one suffered injuries in a rollover crash.

What Is a Rollover Accident?

A rollover accident is any collision that results in one or more vehicles turning onto its side or roof. These accidents most often involve more than one vehicle, though there are times when rollovers occur without the impact of other vehicles on the road.

Only about 2-3% of all vehicle collisions are typically classified as rollover accidents from year to year, yet they remain one of the most significant causes of death on the road for drivers and passengers. Almost half of rollover accidents are partially due to excessive speed on the road.

What Are Tripped and Untripped Rollover Accidents?

There are two basic categories of rollover accidents: tripped and untripped. It’s important to understand the difference.

Tripped rollover accidents

Tripped rollovers are those that occur as a result of an external force, such as another vehicle, debris on the road, or a guardrail. The vast majority of rollovers are tripped.

Untripped rollover accidents

Untripped rollovers, on the other hand, occur without the influence of external forces. This type of rollover might happen when a vehicle is taking a particularly aggressive turn on a highway, for example.

What Are Common Injuries from Rollover Accidents?

There are several types of injuries that rollover car accidents can cause, including the possibility of a fatality occurring. Here are some of the most common types of injuries from rollovers:

  • Fractures and breaks
  • Internal and external bruising or bleeding
  • Head and neck trauma, including severe whiplash
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord trauma, including long-term paralysis
  • Glass damage and lacerations
  • Burns from vehicle explosions or airbag deployment

What happens to your body in a car accident can have significant consequences for months, years, or life. Rollover accidents are notorious for crushing limbs to passengers, throwing passengers from the vehicle, and causing catastrophic injuries.

What Are the Common Causes of Rollover Accidents?

Both tripped, and untripped rollover accidents can happen for a variety of reasons. The vast majority involve negligence on the part of a driver, though it is technically possible for a rollover to occur solely as a result of external factors.

There are several common causes of rollovers, including the following:

  • Speeding
  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Other driver negligence (such as driving while fatigued)
  • Malfunction of vehicle parts
  • Poorly designed roads or signage

Out of all of these potential causes, speeding is responsible for the largest percentage of rollovers (about 40%), whether it was the rolled-over vehicle that was speeding or another vehicle involved in the collision.

How Is Fault Determined for Rollover Accidents in California?

The fault for any given rollover accident is essentially calculated and determined by negligence on the part of one or more parties. Fault can be shared between more than one party or may be solely attributed to one party, depending upon each case.

Determining fault is nuanced and can be difficult, especially when you’re already dealing with injuries and car damages in the wake of your accident. An experienced rollover accident attorney can help gather and organize the relevant evidence as well as provide other resources that can help bolster your case. Our attorneys can utilize an accident reconstruction expert to better understand the percentage of fault.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that because California uses the pure comparative fault system, even if an injured party was partially at fault, they can still pursue damages to some extent.

We Can Help You Recover From Rollover Accident Injuries

If you’ve been injured or impacted by a rollover accident, it’s imperative that you get the legal help you need to fight your case successfully. Contact us today at LA Century Law for a free case evaluation with our experienced team. We’re ready to partner with you in your pursuit of what you’re rightfully owed for your damages.

Rollover Accident Case FAQs

What if I share fault for my rollover accident?

Because the state of California establishes a pure comparative fault policy, injured drivers can pursue compensation for their damages even if they were 51% or more at fault for the accident, though the awarded amount will be adjusted accordingly.

What if something other than another driver caused my rollover accident?

There are some cases in which bad signage, mechanics, weather, or another factor can contribute to a rollover. In these cases, it is best to consult with an experienced attorney like one from our team at LA Century Law to determine what entities may be at fault and how to best proceed.

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